Judul asli:Managing People and Employe Relatins.
Judul asli:Eva and Value-Based Management,A Pratical Guide to Implementation.
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Judul asli:Business Research Methods.
Judul asli:Business Research Methods.
Judul asli : The worldwatch reader, on global environmental issues.
judul asli : Algemene maatschappijleer een eerste inleiding tot de sociologie.
judul asli : how to get the job.
judul asli : 3 steps to a strong family.
The Relaxation Response.
Judul asli: Beyond the Relaxation Response.
Judul asli: Running MS DOS.
Judul asli:Competitive Advantage Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance.
judul asli : The establishment of money as a symbol of community life; money as a form of transcendence.
Judul Asli:Using Wordstar.